Access the recording of the virtual event “Colombia, food and truth: Reconnecting with our roots in the Colombian Pacific”, held on June 23, 2020 and organised by CAPAZ, the Colombian Truth Commission and Nodo Alemania supporting the Commission, in conjunction with the International Catalan Institute for Peace – ICIP.
Virgelina Chará, singer and community leader from the Colombian Pacific guided the cooking. The recipe? The typical Aborrajados. Helga Flamtermesky moderated the meeting from Catalonia. Other speakers included Juana Corral and Lorena Díez from Nodo Alemania also participated. The Commissioner Carlos Beristain, the German Ambassador in Colombia, Peter Ptassek and the CAPAZ Director, Stefan Peters joined the cooking.
The practical objectives were to publicise the work of the Commission’s support groups abroad (Nodos) and to launch the website for the groups in Europe: https://comisionverdadcol-eu.org/
You can read the funny review of the event on the CAPAZ Website: Español / English