This video-minute produced by the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), based in Barcelona, presents the efforts of the...
The ICIP (Technical Secretariat)
The Colombian Truth Commission works to clarify the facts surrounding the Colombian conflict and to promote recognition of the...
In 2018, the photographer and documentary filmmaker Ingrid Guyon in association with ICIP, made a documentary entitled: “La sembra...
The International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) is a research, dissemination, and action entity created by the Parliament of...
The project: “Myths and Realities about Transitional Justice in Colombia”, through the communication strategy called “Colombians beyond borders”, expresses...
Marta Gómez, singer-songwriter and actress Alejandra Borrero met on April 23, 2020, during the virtual event organised by the...
asilo cine-foro construcción de paz dialogo diáspora escritura exilio género incidencia informe final memoria migración mujeres Participacion Paz protesta sociedad civil solidaridad talleres teatro teatro tejido verdad victimas
Entradas Recientes
- Curso de verano, “El derecho a la verdad como herramienta para la construcción de paz. Diálogo internacional a partir de la experiencia de Colombia” 12 December 2022
- Colombia. Esilio e Memoria 8 December 2022
- Acción/Performance para recibir el Informe Final de la Comisión de la Verdad convocado por el Nodo Madrid 8 December 2022
- Presentación del Informe Final “Hay Futuro si hay Verdad” Madrid 8 December 2022
- El silencio el hijo del miedo – Documental 8 December 2022