Colombia fra la guerra e la pace – Streaming of the Nodo Italia event during Memorarte 2020

El Nodo Italia es

The Nodo Italia in support of the Truth Commission held a discussion on the armed conflict and the possibility of peace in Colombia on 11 September 2020. The event took place in the context of Memorarte, the first virtual art festival on the memory of the Colombian conflict.

For two hours, the connected public talked with Pablo Molano (Associazione Colombia Tierra Mágica); Sofía Quintero (Doctor and activist); Billy Sánchez (Political scientist, graduate student and collaborator of Nodo Italia); Jorge Jiménez (Political scientist, graduate student and collaborator of Nodo Italia); Mónica Puto (Volunteer of “Operazione Colomba”), and Héctor Fabio Henao (Caritas Colombia).

Check out the recording of the event posted on Nodo Italia’s Facebook profile